Wednesday, November 11, 2009

At the Graduate Center, it is always TheatRE. To -ER is unthinkable.

Saw Finian's Rainbow at the St. James Theatre tonight. Exchanged some flirtatious smiles with the drummer in the pit. Normally I would complain that this was the best part of the evening, but the show actually...was not that bad.

There's not much I should talk about here, but, let's face it, I never update that other blog, so you guys are just gonna have to cope. The show has a very interesting depiction of race in America in the 1930s that remains relevant today. There were interesting depictions of class-based racial solidarity in the south, which I happen to be reading about in Zinn's People's History of the United States Right Now. There were even critiques of the middle-class (although all the while rife with middle-class values). And then there was the race change of the antagonist. It's a fascinating (albeit superficial) look.

And of course there's a hilarious prestidigitating leprechaun. So, you know. Really well-rounded. But then my appreciation for it got compounded by multiple baseless heterosexist love stories.


NOTE: I went back and read this post and realized that you can tell I haven't formed a full opinion on it yet, because all I have to say is: "interesting" "interesting" "relevant" "fascinating"...

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